Thursday, March 15, 2012

Amelia's Quilt

I purchased the last of the fabric needed for the quilt top. It was hard to pick out some fabric that would semi coordinate with the jelly roll I already bought. But I did my best with what JOANNS had to offer (I hate that store by the way). We'll see how it turns out, but I know it will always be special to her since her MOMMY made it. 

The top two pieces (purple and pink dots) are the border.

The strips and fabric down below will make up the blocks.

Now I have to plan on how I will work on this quilt while watching after Amelia. I could do it during nap times, which have recently been averaging 2 hrs. I could work on it sporadically  while she's up (while she's not eating, pooping, or being bored). I could just use the weekends so Tony can do the majority of the parenting. In my head it sounds like it will be a combination of all of these. Let's get to work!!! 

The cleaning you ask? Well, the laundry is pretty up to date, the goodwill pile still remains, the rugs HAVE been washed, the kitchen has been staying pretty clean, and the bathroom is in need of another scrubbing. Overall, I would say I can allow myself to begin the flow of my creative juices (I don't like the sound of that).

So, yes, let's get to work, shall we? (too many commas?) 

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