Sunday, April 15, 2012

Get Your Gardening On!!!

"Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace."
-May Sarton

Isn't it true that a little time spent in a garden lends itself to a moment of peace? The sun (though late in it's arrival) shone today and that feeling of needing to garden came upon me. 

We strolled the garden center at Lowes under the cold overcast skies complaining of the lack of sunshine. We were promised a foggy morning followed by a sun filled day. We carefully picked out the vegetables we wanted to grow this year. I searched for the perfect tomato, spinach, and lettuce. Peppers were nowhere to be seen so we decided on seeds. Although it may be a little late to start seeds, we'll see what happens!!!

After we got home with our new additions, Amelia was fed then put down for a nap. Momma started on the garden! When you think "garden" you more than likely think of an area in one's yard near the house for growing flowers, vegetables or fruits. 

Well, considering we live in a teeny tiny apartment, my garden has to be a container garden!  It's a little bit of a bummer that I can't walk out my front or back door in a house and be in my yard. Where I can wonder around admiring my flower beds, vegetable garden and the sun. But we accept what comes and I have accepted my patio container garden. After all, this is the second year I will be attempting it. 

Spinach, Butter crunch lettuce and a grape tomato plant

When we lived in these exact same apartments about 4 years ago we had a north facing unit. NO SUN! I think maybe I attempted a tomato plant, yeah.. no, I was silly to think it would work. Isn't it Kindergarten where you learn that a plant needs sun to grow? Direct sun? Considering our deck was growing moss, vegetable plants weren't a possibility. Maybe I should have become a moss gardener, I could sell it to florist and crafters!!! But I digress.

Our new apartment (2 years new) is south facing, so needless to say we have considerably more direct sunlight on our porch.

I hauled out my two bags of soil left over from last year, the flower pots, a water pitcher, and some old miracle grow. I took my time mixing up some old soil left in the pots and took frequent breaks to sip on my water and just be. I was leaning on our porch rail staring down at my various gardening items and Tony walked out and asked, "are you OK?" I looked up at him and replied, "oh, yeah I'm fine"
"you just...relaxin'?"
I did that quite a few more times, just taking little moments to wonder off into lala land, I didn't want to make this a chore. I would say it takes a lot to just be while gardening on a 2x6 foot patio. Surrounded by a dozen cars, a trailer park, and an endless number of people/kids walking nearby, it's not the most serene of places. But because the sun was shining I was able to get lost while making a new home for our little plantlings. 

Welcome aboard little ones ...

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